Saturday, June 15, 2024

UFOs, are they real?

I believe in UFOs, never seen one in my life though. I have heard some interesting stories and seen some pretty convincing pictures to prove that they are real. In the reality of life how could they put the veil over all of our eyes? Simple, I believe. All you would have to do is join society, never be seen by important people of the news networks, and always cover over the memories of you being there. I know this seems impossible for us as humans, but imagine if you had the technology of aliens. Who even says that it's technology, it may be that they are so smart that they just do those things naturally. All they have to do is think about it and it's done, they may not even have to think about it, they may just do it as second nature. Anyway back to the idea of technology. Star Trek, Star Wars may be right also. Technology may be it. Presuming that they are so advanced, but not much smarter then us may be the only difference. Who knows? I don't. Would I like to? Probably not, unless it was peaceful, not violent like the stories go. Well I hope you like this idea. Thanks.

Saturday, June 2, 2007


Interesting websites right here:
Hope this is enough for a start. Enjoy.

Ghosts, UFOs, Bigfoot

I have heard all kinds of stories on these three things and I believe a lot of it, but some of it is too much cock n bull to believe, even for me. I encourage people to post anything relevant to these three subjects on here. I will also get as many articles as possible for your enjoyment, even the BS ones. Thanks for looking.